[Iaude] MPEC X120: 2023 XX2 [a=2.35,e=0.71,i=4.2,H=27.1]

mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu
Wed Dec 6 18:59:13 EST 2023

M.P.E.C. 2023-X120                             Issued 2023 December 6, 23:57 UT

     The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
         minor planets, routine data on comets and natural satellites,
         and occasional editorial announcements.  They are published
    on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
          Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                          Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
             Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

                              MPC at CFA.HARVARD.EDU
            URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714

                                    2023 XX2                                    

     K23X02X* C2023 12 06.41524004 28 34.104+35 29 27.46         19.80GVEX120V00
     K23X02X  C2023 12 06.42075304 28 40.570+35 28 33.28               VEX120V00
     K23X02X  C2023 12 06.42625704 28 47.147+35 27 38.30         19.79GVEX120V00
     K23X02X  C2023 12 06.43176204 28 53.648+35 26 43.87         20.69GVEX120V00
     K23X02X  C2023 12 06.46143504 29 28.171+35 21 28.29         18.9 GVEX120H01
     K23X02X  C2023 12 06.46489504 29 32.263+35 20 54.66         19.1 GVEX120H01
     K23X02X  C2023 12 06.47495804 29 44.150+35 19 17.20         18.6 GVEX120H01
     K23X02X  C2023 12 06.48210504 29 52.573+35 18 08.29         19.2 GVEX120H01
     K23X02X KB2023 12 06.82779 04 36 27.26 +34 35 43.6          19.5 GXEX120G15
     K23X02X KB2023 12 06.83385 04 36 32.13 +34 35 08.8          18.7 GXEX120G15
     K23X02X KB2023 12 06.84372 04 36 40.46 +34 34 10.5          19.9 VZEX120C95
     K23X02X KB2023 12 06.85850 04 36 51.68 +34 32 45.5          20.3 VZEX120C95
     K23X02X KB2023 12 06.87332 04 37 02.67 +34 31 20.6          19.7 VZEX120C95
     K23X02X KC2023 12 06.91404504 37 30.36 +34 27 29.0          20.2 GVEX120104
     K23X02X KC2023 12 06.93048404 37 41.65 +34 25 53.2          20.0 GVEX120104
     K23X02X KC2023 12 06.93435204 37 44.31 +34 25 30.4          20.1 GVEX120104

Observer details:
104 San Marcello Pistoiese.  Observers P. Bacci, M. Maestripieri.  Measurers
    P. Bacci, L. Tesi, G. Fagioli.  0.60-m F4 Reflector + CCD.
C95 SATINO Remote Observatory, Haute Provence.  Observer D. Husar.  0.30-m
    f/5.8 reflector + CMO.
G15 Magroforte Observatory, Alessandria.  Observer A. De Pieri.  0.23-m f/6.7
    SC + CMO.
H01 Magdalena Ridge Observatory, Socorro.  Observers W. H. Ryan, E. V. Ryan.
    Measurer W. H. Ryan.  2.4-m f/8.9 Ritchey-Chretien + CCD.
V00 Kitt Peak-Bok.  Observer H. Groeller.  Measurers M. J. Brucker, C. E.
    Woodward, D. Fay, J. B. Fazekas, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, H. Groeller, J.
    K. Hogan, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, C. Lejoly, G. J. Leonard, R. A.
    Mastaler, R. S. McMillan, D. Rankin, R. L. Seaman, A. Serrano, F. C.
    Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  2.25-m reflector + 4x4K mosaic CCD.

Orbital elements:
2023 XX2                                                 Earth MOID = 0.0025 AU
Epoch 2023 Sept. 13.0 TT = JDT 2460200.5                Bell                    
M 349.11942              (2000.0)            P               Q                  
n   0.27376649     Peri.  287.50969     +0.99633390     +0.05038217             
a   2.3489973      Node    69.64647     -0.01671658     +0.90726510             
e   0.7074421      Incl.    4.22910     -0.08390069     +0.41753046             
P   3.60           H   27.17          G   0.15           U   8                  
Residuals in seconds of arc
231206 V00  0.3+  0.4-    231206 H01  0.0   0.1+    231206 C95  1.0-  0.2+
231206 V00  0.6-  0.2+    231206 H01  0.1-  0.1+    231206 104  0.3+  0.0
231206 V00  0.1+  0.2-    231206 G15  2.0+  0.5-    231206 104  0.3-  0.1+
231206 V00  0.0   0.1-    231206 G15 (3.6+  0.1-)   231206 104  0.0   0.1-
231206 H01  0.0   0.0     231206 C95  0.1-  0.0
231206 H01  0.0   0.0     231206 C95  0.5-  0.1-

2023 XX2                 a,e,i = 2.35, 0.71, 4                   q = 0.6872
Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
2023 11 06    16 56 36.2 -28 38 10   0.3436  0.7302    33.5   131.4    30.0
2023 11 21    17 11 54.2 -29 10 27   0.1538  0.8477    22.2   153.8    32.0
2023 11 29    17 21 35.6 -28 06 13   0.06164 0.9275    16.1   162.8    33.0
2023 12 05    02 35 16.6 +43 51 36   0.0070020.9914   146.0    33.8    17.8
2023 12 06    04 17 20.4 +36 47 21   0.01748 1.0023   164.2    15.5    19.2
2023 12 07    04 38 32.3 +34 20 06   0.02852 1.0132   167.8    11.8    20.2
2023 12 13    05 00 20.0 +31 18 53   0.09614 1.0796   170.9     8.3    22.8
2023 12 21    05 05 07.5 +30 29 57   0.1895  1.1693   167.1    10.8    24.6
2024 01 05    05 11 19.9 +29 44 26   0.3804  1.3373   154.7    18.3    26.6

M. P. C. Staff               (C) Copyright 2023 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2023-X120

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