[Iaude] MPEC Y58: 2022 QU60 [a=2.44,e=0.81,i=27.9,H=18.69]

mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Dec 19 09:10:51 EST 2023

M.P.E.C. 2023-Y58                             Issued 2023 December 19, 14:09 UT

     The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
         minor planets, routine data on comets and natural satellites,
         and occasional editorial announcements.  They are published
    on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
          Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                          Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
             Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

                              MPC at CFA.HARVARD.EDU
            URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714

                                   2022 QU60                                    

                           Revision to MPEC 2022-R107                           

Additional Observations:
     K22Q60U &C2018 10 27.02012420 47 16.33 -47 24 37.3                WEY058W84
     K22Q60U &C2018 10 27.02149320 47 16.28 -47 24 35.2                WEY058W84
     K22Q60U &C2018 10 28.05207820 46 42.14 -47 00 54.0                WEY058W84
     K22Q60U &C2019 06 09.08085014 42 31.91 -42 33 33.4                WEY058W84

Observer details:
W84 Cerro Tololo-DECam.  Observers R. Sgier, B. Jain, A. Smith, M. McNanna, A.
    Hughes.  Measurer S. Deen.  4.0-m reflector + CCD.

First and last observations above in comparison with prediction:
Residuals in seconds of arc (or two decimals in degrees), reference and Delta-T
181027 W84 0.01+ 0.00+    190609 W84 0.09+ 0.05+    E2023-R01   -0.00 days

Orbital elements:
2022 QU60                                           PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0352 AU
Epoch 2023 Sept. 13.0 TT = JDT 2460200.5                Veres                   
M  81.14014              (2000.0)            P               Q                  
n   0.25917970     Peri.   72.77773     -0.21812962     -0.94123302             
a   2.4363260      Node    33.44164     +0.61817365     -0.33772678             
e   0.8121706      Incl.   27.90065     +0.75516939     +0.00458572             
P   3.80           H   18.69          G   0.15           U   2                  
Residuals in seconds of arc
181027 W84  0.1+  0.1-    220902 221  0.5+  0.8-    220914 M22  0.0   0.3-
181027 W84  0.1+  0.1+    220902 221  0.1-  0.9-    220914 M22  0.6+  0.4-
181028 W84  0.2+  0.1-    220905 568  0.0   0.0     220914 M22  0.1-  0.1+
190609 W84  0.2-  0.3-    220905 568  0.1+  0.0     220914 Y00  0.2-  0.1-
220828 F52  0.0   0.0     220905 568  0.0   0.0     220914 Y00  0.3-  0.0
220828 F52  0.0   0.0     220906 M22  0.3+  0.4+    220914 Y00  0.1-  0.1-
220828 F52  0.1-  0.0     220906 M22  0.2+  0.1-    220917 C51  0.5+  0.1+
220828 F52  0.0   0.1+    220906 M22  0.1+  0.1+    220917 C51  0.1-  0.3-
220829 568  0.0   0.0     220906 M22  0.4-  0.1-    220917 C51 (0.4-  0.9+)
220829 568  0.0   0.0     220913 V37  0.1-  0.1+    220917 C51  0.1+  0.3+
220829 568  0.0   0.0     220913 V37  0.4+  0.0     220917 C51  0.2-  0.8+
220831 F52  0.0   0.0     220913 Q63  0.1-  0.1-    220920 T12  0.1-  0.1-
220831 F52  0.0   0.0     220913 Q63  0.1-  0.2-    220920 T12  0.1-  0.1-
220902 221  0.1+  0.4-    220914 M22  0.2-  0.4-    220923 M33  0.7-  0.3-

2022 QU60                a,e,i = 2.44, 0.81, 28                  q = 0.4576
Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
2023 11 19    17 09 57.5 -41 45 29   4.5996  3.7782    30.2     7.6    25.4
2023 12 04    17 30 28.4 -42 00 25   4.7309  3.8400    22.7     5.7    25.4
2023 12 12    17 41 29.6 -42 08 57   4.7822  3.8715    20.0     5.0    25.4
2023 12 18    17 49 45.2 -42 15 35   4.8117  3.8945    19.0     4.7    25.5
2023 12 19    17 51 07.6 -42 16 42   4.8159  3.8983    18.9     4.7    25.5
2023 12 20    17 52 30.0 -42 17 50   4.8199  3.9020    18.9     4.7    25.5
2023 12 26    18 00 42.4 -42 24 46   4.8392  3.9243    19.3     4.7    25.5
2024 01 03    18 11 32.8 -42 34 27   4.8530  3.9531    21.3     5.2    25.5
2024 01 18    18 31 22.7 -42 54 35   4.8425  4.0046    28.4     6.7    25.6

A. U. Tomatic                (C) Copyright 2023 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2023-Y58

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