[Iaude] MPEC V226: 2023 VZ7 [a=2.83,e=0.63,i=18.6,H=23.3]

mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Nov 13 01:38:24 EST 2023

M.P.E.C. 2023-V226                            Issued 2023 November 13, 06:36 UT

     The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
         minor planets, routine data on comets and natural satellites,
         and occasional editorial announcements.  They are published
    on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
          Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                          Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
             Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

                              MPC at CFA.HARVARD.EDU
            URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714

                                    2023 VZ7                                    

     K23V07Z* C2023 11 11.43775404 44 42.734+58 12 13.32         20.44GVEV226V00
     K23V07Z  C2023 11 11.44388804 44 44.470+58 11 08.45         20.44GVEV226V00
     K23V07Z  C2023 11 11.45003704 44 46.208+58 10 03.61         20.72GVEV226V00
     K23V07Z  C2023 11 11.45615204 44 47.922+58 08 59.06         21.16GVEV226V00
     K23V07Z KC2023 11 11.49773 04 44 59.79 +58 01 36.9          20.8 RVEV226291
     K23V07Z KC2023 11 11.49957 04 45 00.29 +58 01 17.6          20.7 RVEV226291
     K23V07Z KC2023 11 11.50142 04 45 00.80 +58 00 57.7          20.6 RVEV226291
     K23V07Z 1C2023 11 11.91694 04 47 15.46 +56 48 08.6          20.5 VXEV226033
     K23V07Z 1C2023 11 11.92510 04 47 17.65 +56 46 43.6          20.2 VXEV226033
     K23V07Z 1C2023 11 11.92654 04 47 18.03 +56 46 28.7          20.0 VXEV226033
     K23V07Z 1C2023 11 11.92798 04 47 18.42 +56 46 13.7          20.1 VXEV226033
     K23V07Z KC2023 11 12.00736804 47 39.18 +56 32 31.1          20.7 GVEV226L01
     K23V07Z IC2023 11 12.00962104 47 39.75 +56 32 07.2          20.9 GVEV226L01
     K23V07Z KC2023 11 12.01187204 47 40.34 +56 31 43.3          20.8 GVEV226L01
     K23V07Z 1C2023 11 13.03625 04 52 11.41 +53 30 51.8          20.9 VXEV226033
     K23V07Z 1C2023 11 13.03717 04 52 11.60 +53 30 41.9          20.7 VXEV226033
     K23V07Z 1C2023 11 13.03809 04 52 11.78 +53 30 32.0          21.0 VXEV226033

Observer details:
033 Karl Schwarzschild Observatory, Tautenburg.  Observers S. Melnikov, C.
    Hogner, F. Ludwig, M. Hartmann, B. Stecklum.  Measurer B. Stecklum.
    1.34-m f/3 Schmidt + CCD.
291 LPL/Spacewatch II.  Observer C. Lejoly.  1.8-m f/2.7 reflector + CCD.
L01 Visnjan Observatory, Tican.  Observer K. Korlevic.  1.0-m f/2.9 reflector
    + CCD.
V00 Kitt Peak-Bok.  Observer K. W. Wierzchos.  Measurers M. J. Brucker, C. E.
    Woodward, D. Fay, J. B. Fazekas, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, H. Groeller, J.
    K. Hogan, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, C. Lejoly, G. J. Leonard, R. A.
    Mastaler, R. S. McMillan, D. Rankin, R. L. Seaman, A. Serrano, F. C.
    Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  2.25-m reflector + 4x4K mosaic CCD.

Orbital elements:
2023 VZ7                                                 Earth MOID = 0.1285 AU
Epoch 2023 Sept. 13.0 TT = JDT 2460200.5                MPC                     
M 352.13641              (2000.0)            P               Q                  
n   0.20705524     Peri.  142.25971     +0.86692636     -0.40779479             
a   2.8297315      Node   244.15391     +0.34335003     +0.90540935             
e   0.6267999      Incl.   18.56985     +0.36131625     +0.11805647             
P   4.76           H   23.36          G   0.15           U   9                  
Residuals in seconds of arc
231111 V00  0.1-  0.1-    231111 291  0.1-  0.1-    231112 L01  0.0   0.1+
231111 V00  0.0   0.2-    231111 033  0.1+  0.1-    231112 L01  0.1+  0.2-
231111 V00  0.1+  0.0     231111 033  0.0   0.4-    231113 033  0.1+  0.1+
231111 V00  0.0   0.2+    231111 033  0.0   0.3-    231113 033  0.0   0.0
231111 291  0.3+  0.2-    231111 033  0.0   0.3-    231113 033  0.2-  0.1-
231111 291  0.1+  0.1+    231112 L01  0.0   0.3+

2023 VZ7                 a,e,i = 2.83, 0.63, 19                  q = 1.0561
Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
2023 10 14    19 22 53.4 +67 17 43   0.2445  1.0601    98.1    68.7    22.8
2023 10 29    22 45 49.8 +81 29 06   0.1741  1.0614   108.4    62.6    21.9
2023 11 06    03 53 24.5 +72 38 46   0.1473  1.0771   122.1    51.2    21.3
2023 11 12    04 47 36.3 +56 33 44   0.1392  1.0953   136.5    38.5    20.8
2023 11 13    04 52 02.6 +53 37 22   0.1392  1.0988   139.1    36.2    20.8
2023 11 14    04 55 48.1 +50 39 58   0.1396  1.1025   141.6    33.9    20.7
2023 11 20    05 09 20.7 +33 39 26   0.1509  1.1273   155.4    21.4    20.6
2023 11 28    05 15 51.7 +16 14 50   0.1862  1.1670   164.3    13.2    20.8
2023 12 13    05 17 34.9 -00 05 33   0.2921  1.2584   156.8    17.9    22.1

A. U. Tomatic                (C) Copyright 2023 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2023-V226

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