[Iaude] MPEC W125: 2023 WG3 [a=1.31,e=0.23,i=35.4,H=22.7]

mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu
Sun Nov 26 02:57:58 EST 2023

M.P.E.C. 2023-W125                            Issued 2023 November 26, 07:56 UT

     The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
         minor planets, routine data on comets and natural satellites,
         and occasional editorial announcements.  They are published
    on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
          Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                          Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
             Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

                              MPC at CFA.HARVARD.EDU
            URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714

                                    2023 WG3                                    

     K23W03G*1C2023 11 23.43671509 39 49.151+27 47 55.57         21.12GVEW125G96
     K23W03G 1C2023 11 23.44182409 39 50.951+27 48 58.93         21.82GVEW125G96
     K23W03G 1C2023 11 23.44692909 39 52.751+27 50 02.87         20.60GVEW125G96
     K23W03G 1C2023 11 23.45205809 39 54.468+27 51 06.19         21.31GVEW125G96
     K23W03G KC2023 11 23.48395609 40 05.455+27 57 41.76         21.36GVEW125I52
     K23W03G KC2023 11 23.48551609 40 06.020+27 58 00.41         21.21GVEW125I52
     K23W03G KC2023 11 23.48707609 40 06.510+27 58 20.06         21.35GVEW125I52
     K23W03G KC2023 11 23.48863109 40 07.100+27 58 39.58         21.10GVEW125I52
     K23W03G 7C2023 11 24.21728709 44 36.230+30 28 08.57         20.7 GVEW125Z84
     K23W03G 7C2023 11 24.23167909 44 41.427+30 31 05.13         21.2 GVEW125Z84
     K23W03G 7C2023 11 24.24282209 44 45.413+30 33 21.88         20.8 GVEW125Z84
     K23W03G KC2023 11 24.45075 09 46 06.39 +31 15 51.1          21.0 RVEW125291
     K23W03G KC2023 11 24.45678 09 46 08.60 +31 17 05.7          20.8 RVEW125291
     K23W03G KC2023 11 24.46342 09 46 11.01 +31 18 27.5          21.1 RVEW125291
     K23W03G KC2023 11 26.08279609 56 59.35 +36 43 46.3          21.1 GVEW125204
     K23W03G KC2023 11 26.10379309 57 07.80 +36 47 56.5                VEW125204

Observer details:
204 Schiaparelli Observatory.  Observers L. Buzzi, G. Galli.  0.84-m f/3.5
    reflector + CCD.
291 LPL/Spacewatch II.  Observer M. J. Brucker.  1.8-m f/2.7 reflector + CCD.
G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey.  Observer H. Groeller.  Measurers E. C. Beshore, D.
    Fay, J. B. Fazekas, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H. Groeller, J.
    K. Hogan, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, D. Rankin, R. L.
    Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  1.5-m reflector + 10K CCD.
I52 Steward Observatory, Mt. Lemmon Station.  Observer K. W. Wierzchos.
    Measurers E. C. Beshore, D. Fay, J. B. Fazekas, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs,
    A. D. Grauer, H. Groeller, J. K. Hogan, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G.
    J. Leonard, D. Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  1.0-m
    prime focus + CCD.
Z84 Calar Alto-Schmidt.  Observers R. Kresken, F. Ocana, M. Micheli, L.
    Conversi.  Measurers F. Ocana, M. Micheli.  0.8-m f/3 Schmidt + CCD.

Orbital elements:
2023 WG3                                                 Earth MOID = 0.0438 AU
Epoch 2023 Sept. 13.0 TT = JDT 2460200.5                MPC                     
M 331.51869              (2000.0)            P               Q                  
n   0.66011075     Peri.  333.88237     +0.68631396     -0.49681912             
a   1.3063459      Node    66.57624     +0.72635531     +0.43088781             
e   0.2251915      Incl.   35.37164     +0.03716331     +0.75333024             
P   1.49           H   22.77          G   0.15           U   9                  
Residuals in seconds of arc
231123 G96  0.5-  0.0     231123 I52  0.3-  0.2-    231124 291  0.3+  0.2+
231123 G96  0.0   0.1-    231123 I52  0.4+  0.1+    231124 291  0.2+  0.2+
231123 G96  0.5+  0.4+    231124 Z84  0.4-  0.2+    231126 204  0.4+  0.1+
231123 G96  0.2-  0.1+    231124 Z84  0.1+  0.1-    231126 204  0.2-  0.2-
231123 I52  0.1-  0.2+    231124 Z84  0.1+  0.1-
231123 I52  0.3+  0.5-    231124 291  0.2+  0.2-

2023 WG3                 a,e,i = 1.31, 0.23, 35                  q = 1.0122
Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
2023 10 27    08 03 47.6 -30 01 01   0.3307  1.0122    83.6    77.4    23.1
2023 11 11    08 43 31.8 -08 47 05   0.2164  1.0203    91.8    76.0    22.1
2023 11 19    09 15 51.6 +12 51 53   0.1779  1.0303    98.6    71.5    21.6
2023 11 25    09 49 37.4 +33 07 20   0.1724  1.0402   103.2    67.5    21.4
2023 11 26    09 56 22.3 +36 27 30   0.1738  1.0420   103.7    67.0    21.4
2023 11 27    10 03 30.3 +39 42 27   0.1759  1.0439   104.2    66.4    21.4
2023 12 03    10 55 52.0 +56 19 07   0.2000  1.0563   105.3    64.2    21.7
2023 12 11    12 35 42.8 +69 18 18   0.2537  1.0753   104.2    62.6    22.2
2023 12 26    15 58 52.1 +74 58 13   0.3780  1.1175   100.7    59.8    23.0

A. U. Tomatic                (C) Copyright 2023 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2023-W125

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