[Iaude] MPEC U27: 2023 TN9 [a=1.12,e=0.42,i=13.9,H=21.72]

mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Oct 16 16:47:22 EDT 2023

M.P.E.C. 2023-U27                              Issued 2023 October 16, 20:46 UT

     The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
         minor planets, routine data on comets and natural satellites,
         and occasional editorial announcements.  They are published
    on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
          Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                          Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
             Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

                              MPC at CFA.HARVARD.EDU
            URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714

                                    2023 TN9                                    

                           Revision to MPEC 2023-T224                           

Additional Observations:
     K23T09N ;C2017 08 28.30327 01 17 34.27 -03 40 04.4          22.4 rVEU027W84
     K23T09N ;C2017 08 28.30464 01 17 34.14 -03 40 04.6          22.3 iVEU027W84
     K23T09N ;C2017 08 28.30601 01 17 34.04 -03 40 04.8          22.9 gVEU027W84
     K23T09N  C2017 09 25.42330 00 13 15.847-05 19 46.92         21.4 wLEU027F51
     K23T09N  C2017 09 25.42794 00 13 14.970-05 19 47.83         21.3 wLEU027F51
     K23T09N  C2017 09 25.43598 00 13 13.482-05 19 49.21         21.5 wLEU027F51
     K23T09N  C2017 09 25.44058 00 13 12.629-05 19 49.95         21.3 wLEU027F51
     K23T09N  C2017 09 25.45327 00 13 10.260-05 19 52.40         21.6 wLEU027F51
     K23T09N  C2017 09 25.46131 00 13 08.768-05 19 53.79         21.4 wLEU027F51
     K23T09N  C2017 09 25.46593 00 13 07.924-05 19 54.46         21.6 wLEU027F51

Observer details:
F51 Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala.  Observers J. Bulger, T. Lowe, A. Schultz, M.
    Willman.  Measurers K. Chambers, S. Chastel, L. Denneau, H. Flewelling, M.
    Huber, E. Lilly, E. Magnier, R. Wainscoat, C. Waters, R. Weryk.  1.8-m
    Ritchey-Chretien + CCD.
W84 Cerro Tololo-DECam.  Observer .  Measurer P. VanWylen.  4.0-m reflector +

Orbital elements:
2023 TN9                                                 Earth MOID = 0.2043 AU
Epoch 2023 Sept. 13.0 TT = JDT 2460200.5                Veres                   
M 224.33716              (2000.0)            P               Q                  
n   0.83541643     Peri.  159.64738     -0.98426547     -0.17086267             
a   1.1165222      Node    10.81346     +0.10968294     -0.79059415             
e   0.4162160      Incl.   13.88655     +0.13853205     -0.58801943             
P   1.18           H   21.72          G   0.15           U   4                  
Residuals in seconds of arc
170828 W84  0.1+  0.1+    231008 F52  0.3-  0.2-    231012 F52  0.1+  0.1-
170828 W84  0.1-  0.1+    231008 F52  0.0   0.1-    231012 F52  0.0   0.0
170828 W84  0.1+  0.0     231008 F52  0.1+  0.0     231013 Z84  0.1+  0.1-
170925 F51  0.3-  0.2-    231008 F52  0.1+  0.0     231013 Z84  0.1+  0.0
170925 F51  0.5-  0.3-    231010 G96  0.0   0.0     231013 H21  0.4-  1.3+
170925 F51  0.4-  0.2-    231010 G96  0.1+  0.1-    231013 H21  0.1-  0.7+
170925 F51  0.3-  0.1-    231012 F52  0.0   0.1-    231013 598  0.3+  0.2-
170925 F51  0.5-  0.3-    231012 F52  0.0   0.0     231013 598  0.1-  0.0
170925 F51  0.4-  0.2-    231012 F52  0.1+  0.0     231013 598  0.2-  0.1+
170925 F51  0.2-  0.1-    231012 F52  0.2-  0.0

2023 TN9                 a,e,i = 1.12, 0.42, 14                  q = 0.6518
Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
2023 09 16    02 44 22.7 +16 50 17   0.6534  1.5034   128.7    31.5    23.0
2023 10 01    02 28 42.2 +20 27 04   0.5158  1.4559   145.4    23.0    22.2
2023 10 09    02 10 52.0 +22 31 44   0.4554  1.4259   155.4    16.9    21.7
2023 10 15    01 52 16.1 +24 01 33   0.4180  1.4012   162.2    12.6    21.3
2023 10 16    01 48 43.9 +24 15 35   0.4125  1.3969   163.0    12.0    21.2
2023 10 17    01 45 04.4 +24 29 15   0.4073  1.3926   163.8    11.5    21.2
2023 10 23    01 20 51.6 +25 40 38   0.3809  1.3654   164.1    11.5    21.0
2023 10 31    00 44 29.2 +26 36 53   0.3592  1.3264   154.6    18.7    21.1
2023 11 15    23 39 29.8 +26 11 47   0.3554  1.2443   129.1    38.1    21.5

A. U. Tomatic                (C) Copyright 2023 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2023-U27

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