[Iaude] MPEC U193: 2023 UW4 [a=1.07,e=0.33,i=4.5,H=28.0]

mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu mpec at marsden.cfa.harvard.edu
Sat Oct 21 23:28:37 EDT 2023

M.P.E.C. 2023-U193                             Issued 2023 October 22, 03:26 UT

     The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
         minor planets, routine data on comets and natural satellites,
         and occasional editorial announcements.  They are published
    on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
          Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                          Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
             Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

                              MPC at CFA.HARVARD.EDU
            URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714

                                    2023 UW4                                    

     K23U04W*1C2023 10 21.16556200 21 58.540+40 40 49.44         19.21GVEU193G96
     K23U04W 1C2023 10 21.17080900 22 06.715+40 36 46.66         19.09GVEU193G96
     K23U04W 1C2023 10 21.18129800 22 22.714+40 28 45.66         19.12GVEU193G96
     K23U04W KC2023 10 21.20734500 23 00.928+40 09 05.72         19.24GVEU193I52
     K23U04W KC2023 10 21.20785500 23 01.655+40 08 42.72         19.15GVEU193I52
     K23U04W KC2023 10 21.30515500 25 10.607+38 58 25.64         18.86GVEU193I52
     K23U04W KC2023 10 21.30567400 25 11.302+38 58 04.37         19.17GVEU193I52
     K23U04W KC2023 10 21.30618800 25 11.928+38 57 42.66         19.38GVEU193I52
     K23U04W KC2023 10 21.30671500 25 12.608+38 57 20.12         19.16GVEU193I52
     K23U04W KC2023 10 21.35192 00 26 01.61 +38 23 42.2          19.7 VqEU193734
     K23U04W KC2023 10 21.35991 00 26 12.16 +38 18 18.1          19.7 VqEU193734
     K23U04W KC2023 10 21.36782 00 26 22.54 +38 13 00.4          19.6 VqEU193734
     K23U04W KC2023 10 22.05482 00 38 57.94 +32 55 21.4          19.9 VqEU193734
     K23U04W KC2023 10 22.05845 00 38 59.86 +32 54 12.5          20.4 VqEU193734
     K23U04W KC2023 10 22.06194 00 39 01.59 +32 53 07.8          20.2 VqEU193734
     K23U04W KC2023 10 22.08232300 39 07.91 +32 47 03.0          20.2 VuEU193H21
     K23U04W KC2023 10 22.08511800 39 09.21 +32 46 10.4          20.3 VuEU193H21
     K23U04W KC2023 10 22.08791400 39 10.51 +32 45 17.6                uEU193H21
     K23U04W KC2023 10 22.09350600 39 13.05 +32 43 33.1          20.3 VuEU193H21

Observer details:
734 Farpoint Observatory, Eskridge.  Observers D. Cromer, G. Hug, D. Goodin,
    R. Valentine.  Measurer D. Cromer.  0.69-m f/3.54 reflector + CCD.
G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey.  Observer J. K. Hogan.  Measurers E. C. Beshore, D.
    Fay, J. B. Fazekas, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H. Groeller, J.
    K. Hogan, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, D. Rankin, R. L.
    Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  1.5-m reflector + 10K CCD.
H21 Astronomical Research Observatory, Westfield.  Observer R. Holmes.
    Measurers T. Linder, R. Holmes, L. Horn.  0.76-m f/3.0 astrograph + CCD.
I52 Steward Observatory, Mt. Lemmon Station.  Observer J. B. Fazekas.
    Measurers E. C. Beshore, D. Fay, J. B. Fazekas, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs,
    A. D. Grauer, H. Groeller, J. K. Hogan, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G.
    J. Leonard, D. Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  1.0-m
    prime focus + CCD.

Orbital elements:
2023 UW4                                                 Earth MOID = 0.0038 AU
Epoch 2023 Sept. 13.0 TT = JDT 2460200.5                Veres                   
M  26.03157              (2000.0)            P               Q                  
n   0.88430685     Peri.  265.85982     +0.32377649     +0.94563430             
a   1.0749808      Node    23.10447     -0.83402433     +0.30059851             
e   0.3328764      Incl.    4.49200     -0.44673505     +0.12416238             
P   1.11           H   28.06          G   0.15           U   6                  
Residuals in seconds of arc
231021 G96  0.0   0.1-    231021 I52  0.1-  0.2+    231022 734  0.7-  0.6+
231021 G96 (0.2+  0.5-)   231021 I52  0.2+  0.3-    231022 H21  0.6-  0.4+
231021 G96  0.0   0.1+    231021 734  0.2-  0.0     231022 H21  0.7-  0.5+
231021 I52  0.1-  0.0     231021 734  0.3+  0.4-    231022 H21  0.7-  0.3+
231021 I52  0.1-  0.1-    231021 734  0.0   0.1+    231022 H21  0.5-  0.5+
231021 I52  0.4-  0.0     231022 734  0.4+  0.2-
231021 I52  0.1+  0.4+    231022 734  0.5+  0.5-

2023 UW4                 a,e,i = 1.07, 0.33, 4                   q = 0.7171
Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
2023 09 22    13 00 09.5 -17 10 37   0.1873  0.8365    24.1   150.6    32.6
2023 10 07    13 04 57.5 -17 12 19   0.08112 0.9207    12.7   166.2
2023 10 15    13 11 08.6 -13 07 53   0.03003 0.9675     5.2   174.7
2023 10 21    00 15 11.5 +43 05 01   0.0086981.0026   142.4    37.2    19.3
2023 10 22    00 37 49.3 +33 17 21   0.01460 1.0084   152.8    26.8    20.1
2023 10 23    00 45 48.6 +29 07 19   0.02072 1.0142   156.9    22.6    20.8
2023 10 29    00 57 23.0 +22 42 02   0.05840 1.0486   160.1    18.8    23.0
2023 11 06    01 01 56.6 +20 54 17   0.1104  1.0930   155.7    21.9    24.5
2023 11 21    01 11 25.4 +19 50 27   0.2164  1.1707   144.4    29.5    26.4

M. P. C. Staff               (C) Copyright 2023 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2023-U193

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