Astrophotography by Andrey Oreshko
Images taken from "Elena Remote Observatory" located in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
Images are clickable for the full version.
Rho Ophiuchi: Takahashi NJP mount, Santel 160 mm APO (1:7.8), Sbig STL 11000M
Mosaic from three pictures, each with LRGB 180:50:50:50 min.
Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy: Takahashi NJP mount, Santel 160 mm APO (1:7.8), Sbig STL 11000M
LRGB 420:90:90:90 min.
M16 (Eagle Nebula): Takahashi NJP mount, Astrosib RC 250 mm (1:8), Sbig ST 2000XM
Mosaic from two pictures. Everyone LRGB 140:40:40:40 min.
NGC 1097: Takahashi NJP mount, Astrosib RC 250 mm (1:8), Sbig ST 4000XM
LRGB, 900:130:130:130 min.
Barnard 33: Takahashi NJP mount, Astrosib RC 250 mm (1:8), Sbig ST 4000XM
LRGB, 240:75:75:75 min.
NGC 6334 and Barnard 257: Takahashi NJP mount, Santel 160 mm APO (1:7.8), Sbig STL 11000M
LRGB, 220:50:50:60 min.
Omega Centauri_NGC 5139: Takahashi NJP mount, Santel 160 mm APO (1:7.8), Sbig STL 11000M
LRGB; 90:40:40:40 min.
Galaxy NGC 300 Astrosib RC406, Sbig STL 11000M
LRGB, 600:150:140:150 min.
Tarantula (NGC 2070), Astrosib RC406, Sbig STL 11000M
LRGB 75:25:25:25 min.
Horsehead (Barnard 33) Astrosib RC406, Sbig STL 11000M
LRGB 330:100:100:100 min.
Galaxy NGC 1316 and NGC 1317 Astrosib RC406, Sbig STL 11000M
LRGB 750:140:140:180 min.
Galaxy M100, Astrosib 406, Sbig STL11000M
LRGB 450:100:100:100 min.
M20, Astrosib 406, Sbig STL11000M Mosaic of 2 images, each :
LRGB 240:100:100:100 min.
M83, Astrosib 406, SBIG STL11000M
LRGB 540:140:140:140 min.
IC 1274-75, IC4685, NGC6559, Mosaic of two images
Each LRGB:255:100:100:100 min.
Peculiar galaxies Arp 245 (NGC 2992, NGC 2993)
NGC 253 (Great Sculptor Galaxy)
Barnard's Galaxy. (NGC 6822), LRGB, 670:120:120:130 min.
Trio spiral galaxies NGC 7599, 7582, 7590
LRGB, 540:135:135:135 min>
NGC 1365
LRGB, 480:110:110:110 min
M16 (Eagle Nebula) - Mosaic of two frames.
Each of them: LRGB, 245:95:95:105 min
NGC 6188 nebula : Mosaic of four frames.
Each of them: LRGB, 130:65:65:65 min
M104 galaxy
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